The Two “RULES” I Live By


Hi There

Only Your Mom Loves you – Your actions contributes to how many or who loves you. YOUR ACTIONS. No one MUST love you. But by your actions and the CHARACTER behind those actions will lead into how and by whom you are loved.

With every decision or interaction I have with others, even my family, I remember that this person does not have to like me or have to be respectful towards me, but that my actions, words and the way I carry myself can influence their interaction with me. Thus I focus on how I want to be treated and treat them likewise. If this interaction is not favorable towards me, I make sure it was NOT caused by MY actions and accept that not every person will like me and that is fine, as long as I make sure my action are and will always be respectful and that I stay true to my character.

Freedom is not FREE – There is a PAYMENT/CONTRIBUTION/SACRIFICE for freedom.

Freedom is subjective. What Freedom is to me might not be freedom for you. Whatever your perception of Freedom is. You need to Do something to get it or you have to give something up.

Freedom to me is choice. My payment for that choice is the rent I pay to have a place of my own. It is the payment on my car/petrol so that I can go anywhere I want. This means I must get money… Which means a job!! So I need to work to provide myself freedom.

What “rules” do you live by? Any comments on mine?

Thanks for reading!

Keep Moving!


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