Finding JOY


Hi There

If you are like me… And I am using this to hide my own insecurities… I really hope I am not alone in this. If you are like me, we have some trouble putting ourselves first. Believing and actually taking care of our needs. The importance to look after ourselves.

I have realized I am usually the one that GOES to others to full their needs. I ask if they need anything, I offer my time and affection to them. Shower them with love and attention… When wanted or not. It is rarely where someone COMES to me. Offers ME help, affection or time. Showers ME with love and attention… WHEN EVER. It is always wanted…

This would have made me bitter a few (short) years back. It almost did. I feel it will always have the ability to make me bitter and push more people away. You see in the past I did EVERYTHING for others so that they would

a) Like me

b) Love me

c) Never leave me.

Now I have learnt to put myself first and get my needs met and to do stuff for me. Because… My life has changed because of this. I am not tired and to be with others and spend time with them does not feel like work anymore. I enjoy my time and the effort I put in.


Yes, there is a BUT.

I still seem to be the one that GOES to others. I mean I enjoy it more because it is FOR ME, but why am I still the one that seems to always GIVE… Like why don’t I RECEIVE?

ANSWER… I find my JOY in GIVING. Seeing the smile or effect of my love and attention makes me HAPPY.Yes RECEIVING is also nice and joyful, but the joy seems to be fleeting… I seem to find my Joy in giving and there is nothing wrong with that. I must just be careful and make sure I do not give ALL of me and loose who I am and my WORTH in the process.

Whenever I start to feel like I am loosing myself, I remember that I am important and I start to put more time in me. In what I want to do and what I need. Because I am important and I need to take care of myself so that I can GIVE more because I’m taken cared of.

You can not pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


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