Why I Do What I Do

Photo by Vitaly Vlasov on Pexels.com

Hi There

Why I do what I do is because of YOU!!! Very cliche’, but VERY TRUE. My clients keep me going. When I feel unmotivated, their progress motivates me. When I feel like a failure, they pick me up. They share their stories and hardships with me and it means so much to me!!

They inspire me to carry on when it feels like everything is against me. They put their faith,trust and bodies in my hand. This is a honor I do not take lightly.

I want to thank YOU ALL.




Hi There
Give me a M…M… Give me a O… O…Give me a T… T.. Give me a I… I… Know where I am going with this? NO…Give me a V… V… Give me a A… A… Give me another T…T… Give me a I… I… Getting tired of this? I am… Give me a O… O… Give a N… N!!!WHAT DOES THAT SPELL???


Now that I got that of my chest… LOL. I’ve always wanted to do that!! Seriously… Let’s talk about motivation.I see myself as someone who seems to love to motivate others… BUT when it comes to myself. I seem to see through all the cliches’ and bullsh*t. Sadly I really do not believe they are cliches’ or bullsh*t. Everything I say to my athletes and clients I believe and try to live by… I really do. It just seem that because it is me I feel like I cannot believe that it is true for me… Even though I know it is. I live by it.I preach it. It feels like I am not fit or good enough for my own advice.

Like I do not value myself like I do others and that is what the problem is… Motivating myself is harder because I do not value myself as I do others. This is something I constantly struggle with. I am worth motivating even if I have to be the motivator. I have to be willing to put in the effort in me that I want my athletes and clients to put in their lives pertaining to movement!

With this I want to motivate ME by motivating to join me in VALUING ourselves enough to motivate ourselves!

Keep Moving


Jean-Marie’ Roux

What Are The Obstacles You Create For Yourself?

Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

In my other blog I talk about it and I wanted to share the obstacles I create. Follow the link to The Obstacles We Create  .

My biggest obstacle I create and face is me… My insecurities about me… How I am and how I look. I do not look like the average fitness fanatic. But I love movement.

I just believe we move different and have different movement goals and that Media lies to us about what healthy looks like.

I am also physically very short… I look extremely young for my age. This has been always been my obstacle. It is only recently that I turned it into my uniqueness. I am small, but that does not make we weak! I use it now as proof that it is not the package that makes the something great, but what is inside that matters… Dynamite comes in small packages…

This is the obstacle I created and battle to overcome so often… What is our? Leave it in the comment section below.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


The Opsticles we create (1)



Today… I am sad.

It is not the end. I need to focus on the positive.

Today… I woke up worried.

It is not the end. We will survive and make it through.

Today… I fought with my Husband

Instead of fighting for him. Instead of supporting him.

Today… I was not a good Wife.

I try to be everyday.

Today… I feel like a failure.

This is not the end. I will not give up. I only fail if I give up.

Today… I need motivation…

I need to be my own biggest fan, supporter… Cheerleader

All of the above was just how Today started.

How will Today end? How will I make Today a good day?

I do not know, but I do know that Today is just a Day and I can end it how I WANT to, by deciding how I react to ALL the above mentioned. I am aware that most of them I CANNOT control, just how I react towards it and how I LET it influences me. It is time to LET GO and just do what is IN MY control.

My life is all my TODAY’s and I need to remember that TODAY is one DAY and I can make them all great and acceptable for me!

Make TODAY your DAY!

Enjoy all your TODAY’s!

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux




Hi There

Today I want to talk about time. I truly believe we do not have a good understanding of time. Sometimes it flies, sometimes it drags, sometimes it stops, sometimes we want to relive it or go back. We cannot say why or how, but we know it is a commodity that we have no control over. Yes it is a commodity. It is rare and precious. So easy to full with worthless activities or to waste by doing nothing. Covid-19 Lockdown taught me a lot about time and how much of it we actually have. 24 Hours is a lot of time!

During Lockdown I went crazy trying to full the hours and not just binge on food, movies and social media! What felt like hours was a few minutes and I would get bored… Yet I had so much time left in the day… This made me realize how I spend my precious commodity… Time… I never really put thought in my daily routine and examined how I use/spent my time. I started asking myself what is wasting time? What is wasting MY time? How do I value my time? I mean I cannot get it back… What do I want to spend my time on? If I do not have a choice in what I spend my time on… like work… queues… What will my attitude be or how can I not a waste my TIME… How much of our lives/time just flows by? Lockdown taught me how SLOW time can be and how much I can FULL that time by slowing down… By not rushing to get to everything, but actually utilizing ALL my TIME in a PRODUCTIVE and stimulating way. The way I want to spend my time. Not feeling tired or overwhelmed or both the whole time… I started to do a TIME BUDGET. Not just a routine, but a budget. I also take it seriously like my finances… I mean it is a COMMODITY!!!

I want to encourage you to use it wisely and remember all the time you have consists of your life. Time is your life. Every thing, every time you do something… It is YOUR life and you can choose how to spend your time and with Whom!! It is priceless and can never be re-lived , can never ever be truly saved. You determine the value of your time. If you place a high value on your time; chances are you will not waste your time! The beauty of time is YOU also decide what is a waste of time!

Remember this! YOU decide what YOUR time is worth. 

Until next TIME

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux 


Doing It For You

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Me, Thank You, Uncategorized

Hi There

I do not want to start sounding repetitive. But YOU need to be your first focus. Now if you are like me. You’ll probably cringe at hearing that and a picture of a narcissistic, entitled, spoiled etc. person creeps in to your mind. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!! Now, now. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Listen…

Putting yourself first is not ANYWHERE near being like the above mentioned. In fact the above mentioned want you to believe that so that you will be easy manipulated by them. Why? Because if you put yourself first you know your value. You add towards that value by putting work into yourself. Like any other project. The more aspects, more time, more experience and expertise. The more expensive and time consuming the project. This is why taking time to evolve and really building yourself up in all aspects of being human is SOOO important. Because it adds value to all the environments you are involved in.

That is what I am talking about. Taking care of you so that you can take care and supply guidance wherever you are! DOing it for YOU to add value wherever YOU find YOURSELF.

Not being narcissistic, spoiled, entitled etcetera. Just understanding that you have value and to maintain and add to it you need to do things for YOU. Sometimes put YOUR needs first.

You cannot pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

The Two “RULES” I Live By


Hi There

Only Your Mom Loves you – Your actions contributes to how many or who loves you. YOUR ACTIONS. No one MUST love you. But by your actions and the CHARACTER behind those actions will lead into how and by whom you are loved.

With every decision or interaction I have with others, even my family, I remember that this person does not have to like me or have to be respectful towards me, but that my actions, words and the way I carry myself can influence their interaction with me. Thus I focus on how I want to be treated and treat them likewise. If this interaction is not favorable towards me, I make sure it was NOT caused by MY actions and accept that not every person will like me and that is fine, as long as I make sure my action are and will always be respectful and that I stay true to my character.

Freedom is not FREE – There is a PAYMENT/CONTRIBUTION/SACRIFICE for freedom.

Freedom is subjective. What Freedom is to me might not be freedom for you. Whatever your perception of Freedom is. You need to Do something to get it or you have to give something up.

Freedom to me is choice. My payment for that choice is the rent I pay to have a place of my own. It is the payment on my car/petrol so that I can go anywhere I want. This means I must get money… Which means a job!! So I need to work to provide myself freedom.

What “rules” do you live by? Any comments on mine?

Thanks for reading!

Keep Moving!


Finding JOY


Hi There

If you are like me… And I am using this to hide my own insecurities… I really hope I am not alone in this. If you are like me, we have some trouble putting ourselves first. Believing and actually taking care of our needs. The importance to look after ourselves.

I have realized I am usually the one that GOES to others to full their needs. I ask if they need anything, I offer my time and affection to them. Shower them with love and attention… When wanted or not. It is rarely where someone COMES to me. Offers ME help, affection or time. Showers ME with love and attention… WHEN EVER. It is always wanted…

This would have made me bitter a few (short) years back. It almost did. I feel it will always have the ability to make me bitter and push more people away. You see in the past I did EVERYTHING for others so that they would

a) Like me

b) Love me

c) Never leave me.

Now I have learnt to put myself first and get my needs met and to do stuff for me. Because… My life has changed because of this. I am not tired and to be with others and spend time with them does not feel like work anymore. I enjoy my time and the effort I put in.


Yes, there is a BUT.

I still seem to be the one that GOES to others. I mean I enjoy it more because it is FOR ME, but why am I still the one that seems to always GIVE… Like why don’t I RECEIVE?

ANSWER… I find my JOY in GIVING. Seeing the smile or effect of my love and attention makes me HAPPY.Yes RECEIVING is also nice and joyful, but the joy seems to be fleeting… I seem to find my Joy in giving and there is nothing wrong with that. I must just be careful and make sure I do not give ALL of me and loose who I am and my WORTH in the process.

Whenever I start to feel like I am loosing myself, I remember that I am important and I start to put more time in me. In what I want to do and what I need. Because I am important and I need to take care of myself so that I can GIVE more because I’m taken cared of.

You can not pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


My Total Awe At The Human Spirit


Hi There

If you have been following me or my work. You would have noticed I am a great believer in the Human Being. I believe that we are amazing creatures and we are capable of amazing, awesome things. We are more than the sum of our parts. There are so many aspects of our being. Our reality is finite and that means we have IMPACT. This means what we do in our finite time MATTERS. We are not perfect and we fail, but we have the awe inspiring GUTS and MENTAL RESILIENCY. That makes us GREAT!! We are strong in our inadequacy. AMAZING!!

We can achieve anything, ANYTHING we put our full being into. Our mind can be stronger than our body or visa versa, but no matter the object/task/wish/dream, you name it. We CAN do it. Look at the Guinness Book Of Records, there are some crazy stuff that people do and even excel at!! Look at the Olympics and World Championships!! Look around!

It is OK to be Human. In fact it is AMAZING to be human. Our inadequacy is our beauty, our fascinating factor, awe inspiring!

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ Roux

What Happened?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Hi There

I do not even know where an how to start! I know I had a plan. I know 2020 was the year I was waiting for. I mean it’s Olympics it is a leap year! I was totally prepared for this. Like I never was previously for any year!!! The first two months was going good!!

Yes, we are almost in the middle of the year… And I feel like 3 moths has disappeared. Not flown by or just flew by. No. IT DISAPPEARED…

To be honest I think we as human beings should just write off 2020. It shall be known as the year that shall not be named. We will just forget everything 2020 related. Our chronicles will be as follows: … 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022… It will be the missing puzzle piece that we will never recover and that we will live the consequences of FOR EVER!!

That is how I feel.

How do you feel?

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ Roux
