My Total Awe At The Human Spirit


Hi There

If you have been following me or my work. You would have noticed I am a great believer in the Human Being. I believe that we are amazing creatures and we are capable of amazing, awesome things. We are more than the sum of our parts. There are so many aspects of our being. Our reality is finite and that means we have IMPACT. This means what we do in our finite time MATTERS. We are not perfect and we fail, but we have the awe inspiring GUTS and MENTAL RESILIENCY. That makes us GREAT!! We are strong in our inadequacy. AMAZING!!

We can achieve anything, ANYTHING we put our full being into. Our mind can be stronger than our body or visa versa, but no matter the object/task/wish/dream, you name it. We CAN do it. Look at the Guinness Book Of Records, there are some crazy stuff that people do and even excel at!! Look at the Olympics and World Championships!! Look around!

It is OK to be Human. In fact it is AMAZING to be human. Our inadequacy is our beauty, our fascinating factor, awe inspiring!

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ Roux

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