

Today… I am sad.

It is not the end. I need to focus on the positive.

Today… I woke up worried.

It is not the end. We will survive and make it through.

Today… I fought with my Husband

Instead of fighting for him. Instead of supporting him.

Today… I was not a good Wife.

I try to be everyday.

Today… I feel like a failure.

This is not the end. I will not give up. I only fail if I give up.

Today… I need motivation…

I need to be my own biggest fan, supporter… Cheerleader

All of the above was just how Today started.

How will Today end? How will I make Today a good day?

I do not know, but I do know that Today is just a Day and I can end it how I WANT to, by deciding how I react to ALL the above mentioned. I am aware that most of them I CANNOT control, just how I react towards it and how I LET it influences me. It is time to LET GO and just do what is IN MY control.

My life is all my TODAY’s and I need to remember that TODAY is one DAY and I can make them all great and acceptable for me!

Make TODAY your DAY!

Enjoy all your TODAY’s!

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


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