What Are The Obstacles You Create For Yourself?

Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

In my other blog I talk about it and I wanted to share the obstacles I create. Follow the link to The Obstacles We Create  .

My biggest obstacle I create and face is me… My insecurities about me… How I am and how I look. I do not look like the average fitness fanatic. But I love movement.

I just believe we move different and have different movement goals and that Media lies to us about what healthy looks like.

I am also physically very short… I look extremely young for my age. This has been always been my obstacle. It is only recently that I turned it into my uniqueness. I am small, but that does not make we weak! I use it now as proof that it is not the package that makes the something great, but what is inside that matters… Dynamite comes in small packages…

This is the obstacle I created and battle to overcome so often… What is our? Leave it in the comment section below.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


The Opsticles we create (1)

The Balancing Act Called…Life

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized


Hi There

One thing that I am learning and experiencing is that everything in life is about balance. We are all doing a balancing act. Some better than others.


As I am all about movement and that moving better. It is all about skill and training that or all skills! Balance can be improved… Yes! One can train to improve balance.

I believe that training and skill building are a lot like life. We need to build our skills and train to be authentic in our beings. I also believe that everything can be learned. We may not become champions in what we learn but we can become better than what we were.

It is about planning. preparing and getting a routine that is flexible but stable. Every aspect of our lives needs balance to be in harmony. I also believe that when we achieve this balance, we achieve happiness…

I want to encourage you to work on balance. Especially in your goal setting! Remember your life should be a good and happy one. I truly believe that and I believe it can and will be.

Good Luck in Your Balancing Act!

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis




What Is Your Drug?What Do You Use To Hide Behind?

#MentorSessions, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

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Hi There

Usually when we think of addiction or drugs; we think of the bad picture. We see desperate people shaking and needing their fix. We cringe when we think of that.

But not only substances can be seen as drugs…

A drug is anything that can be consumed and that causes a temporary physiological, psychological change in the body. We as humans consume through different avenues. We consume through taking  and using products, our minds consume information; we are living in the information age.

There is a line in the movie Jupiter Ascending. It is where Eddie Redmayne’s Character says:”Life is an act of consumption”.

Think about it. To be alive you have to consume something!! It is so true!!

My point is that we are bombard with substances to consume and we do; without us really actively consuming. Sometimes all this consuming might not even be seen as a bad thing. But I believe this can help us to ignore the small things. It helps us to avoid being silent and do some real deep digging into ourselves.

Even something good can become a drug, an addiction. How and why we consume it plays a big role in if it becomes a drug or addiction.We become so busy with consuming we get addicted to it, that being quiet seems boring and quite frankly we lose connection with ourselves. Just like addicts do with their families and reality.We escape from everything through social media and we get so disconnected by being connected. I also want to highlight that anything can be a drug, anything we use to hide behind.

With all the technology that surround us, do we use it to make our lives better, easier or do we use it to hide behind? Distract ourselves?

This is some questions I have been struggling with and been giving real thought. Because I do sometimes hide behind “being busy” rather than spend some time by myself and getting to know me…

Do you also do this or is it just me?

Thank You

Keep Moving!!

Jean- Marie’ du Plessis



Why I am no Champion/Olympion

Amazing, Me, My Clients Inspire Me, My passion, Uncategorized, What I Do

Hi There

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I always ask my athletes if they are normal or athletes. Because athletes are not normal. They do more than what is expected in EVERY training session. They ACT different when it comes to being the BEST. They truly want to be the BEST and that means WINNING the RIGHT way and DOING EVERYTHING it TAKES. Normal people either do not have the drive or discipline, sometimes both. Yes there are some elements that need to be taken in account like talent, body type and genes, but like we have all heard before… It takes 10% Talent and 90% hard Work.

I do don’t mind hard work and giving everything I got. To be honest I just do not have the drive. When I see an athlete leaving his heart out there and pushing the limits I get goosebumps! I know what it takes. What is going on in the body to produce the effort, throw in some technique and the mind that won’t let the body give up. It is amazing!!! When the soul pushes the mind with a will that will not be broken and the mind that takes the body to pressures it has never experienced and the body does what the mind tells it to. They come together and achieve greatness! AMAZING. Keep in mind that this does not just happen. Every training session, every prepared meal, every “no” and sacrifice, every injury, rehab and pain ALL part of that EXACT moment. All coming together in harmony. Beautiful!

For me being able to watch this unfold in my athletes and clients alike is pure bliss. It is what I dream of and what I work for. I am not capable of this but just to have a small part in their glory is enough.

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis





Wise Words

Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

Today, I had to make a tough business decision that was really tough on me personally. It is good for the business, but personally I felt like admitting defeat, like a failure…

I felt like I was”admitting failure” . But a very graceful stranger very graceful gave me this piece of wisdom: What makes you successful is encompassed in one word: Experience. He then asked me :” How does one obtain Experience?” He answered me by saying these two words: Making Mistakes.

So Maybe it is more about the “journey”, the “story” we tell that really matters. The “How we got there”. It is all part of evolving to a better understanding a better you.

Until next time…

Keep Moving!


Growing/Evolving Means Putting Yourself Out There

#OneWord, Important Stuff, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

To evolve or grow you have to get out of your comfort zone.

You have to put yourself out here. “Out there” can comprise of many “parts” of your lives. Meaning it can be physically getting out of your house. Mentally challenging yourself to learn something new or spiritually , by turning your focus with in yourself or on something bigger than you. Point is you need to to something different to change and in this case to grow, to evolve.

That said,  my “out there” is becoming comfortable in my new identity and making friends… Yes, I said making friends. Believe me I am not good at this basic human interaction and need. We all need friends, not a lot but a few people that care about us and that we can interact with naturally and without many confies.

“Making friends” has never been easy for me, but I am putting myself “out there” and it has been an amazing experience. I am meeting fabulous people, not all will I invest my time and friendship in, but I am learning from all of them and I am evolving because of my interaction with them. Without them even knowing they are helping me.

The good news that I also am making friends that I will be investing time and friendship in! This has also shown me that sometimes I am withholding experiences from myself by staying in my comfort Zone… This year I am evolving be living outside my comfort zone. I have 365 opportunities to build my new identity and keep evolving to a better me.

Thank You to my New and Old Friends!

Keep Moving!

God Bless!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis