Self-care… Being Selfless

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

Hi There

I want to share something very personal. The reason I am sharing this is because it was brought to my attention that the change that I went through was so profound that people in my life noticed. Some wanted to know what happened. I also hope that I can help someone who was like me. I can help someone reach the piece of themselves where they can see they have worth.

In the famous words of Julie Andrews : “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…”

I did not like myself. I did not think I have any value.There was nothing of worth in my being. I was worthless. I was only as good as the works I can do for others, especially if I loved them. I was trying to be this version of me that was just unattainable. I ALWAYS fell short. It was EXHAUSTING!! I was tired ALL THE TIME. I was never TRULY happy or even content. I did not know who and what I am.

I was a good person, I did everything for everyone. I went out of my way for everyone. I rarely said no and I tried to make everything better for everyone… ALL THE TIME!!! Do yu think there was anyone doing this for me? NOOOOOOOO!!! If I asked for something it was usually taken with annoyance. Like I have no needs… How can I want something?

Being tired drains the life out you… I was tired of being tired. This is when I decided to start taking care of myself. The concept was hard for me to grasp. To me it meant I should be conceited, self absorbed, arrogant… O I can go on… But It Is NOT!!!!

Self-care means to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others!!! To have the energy to be a great wife! To laugh more and be a light to everyone around you. It is to exercise and take care of your body, mind and soul to be the best version of YOU to then reach and teach the people around you to do the same and be happy!! It really is that simple. By embracing self-care you automatically become a person people want to be around and the amount of QUALITY you bring to their environment can change their lives!!

Taking care of yourself is the most SELFLESS thing you can do for the people around you!! You have more to give and YOU enjoy it!!! Everyone WINS with SELF-CARE.

I urge you to start taking care of yourself and see how better you make the life around you. If not for you then do it for your kids, your husband, your family and friends!!

Keep Moving !!

Keep Taking Care Of YOU

#NeverStopMoving #NeverStopBeingAware #2019Aware

Jean-Marie’ Roux


#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Amazing, Important Stuff, My passion, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

This month’s word is a beautiful one. I believe we all have this inherently. We all strive for freedom. It is one of the things that bring us together as Humans!

Our culture, surroundings and upbringing causes that our Eleutheromania is different. We all have this inherent picture of what freedom is. We know what it means, but it means different for all of us!

With freedom comes choices and with that comes responsibility. Freedom is not free, it cost something.

This month let us eleutheromania to get free from ourselves. Free from what is getting in our way and dragging us down! Even if it is our own preconceived ideas about ourselves!

Thank You

Keep Moving !!

Jean- Marie’ Roux

Being My Own Worst Enemy

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, What I Do
Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Hi There

Do you ever think that maybe you are not where you want to be because YOU are in your own way in some shape or form? Why is it easy to look for extrinsic causes than intrinsic? Is it really just me that feels like this?

I am my own enemy! Sometimes I am not even aware that I am. But it amazes me that I am still in my own way. It just reaffirms to me that we need to do introspection as much as possible. We change and our environment has impacts on us even if we are not immediately aware of it. This is not a bad thing… But I do think it is a something we to not place enough importance on.

We can not change what we do not know. Thus we should investigate ourselves regularly and KNOW what WE WANT, WHY WE WANT IT and WHO WE ARE. Because the reasons change and we change and what we want change.

Today, I needed to take responsibility for being in my own way, for being my own worst enemy without really consciously knowing it. I made excuses and I lost my passion. I almost gave my self a fatal wound!

I am the only one who can account for my life and what I have and had done with it. ME, MYSELF and I. I would rather be my own cheerleader, champion, best friend and motivator than keeping myself down without even knowing it or knowing why.

I am changing this today. I need some introspection and changing my enemy to my greatest Ally!!

Keep Introspecting

Keep Evolving

Keep Being Aware

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Words

Hi There

This month’s focus is about self awareness.In my own experience I have found that we are mostly look for happiness outside of ourselves. We look for it in other people, activities, hobbies, materials etc. Very rarely we look for it inside, deep inside ourselves!

I want to challenge you this month to look into yourself and start getting to know the true you!

This step was very hard for me, but I can TRULY say I am very happier since I have shifted my focus on myself and where I gain my self worth from. I love that it is a exciting never ending journey, never ending movement to a complete me, how I was made to be. HAPPY!

Let me know your thoughts on Sophrosyne. Being content and happy with oneself.

God Bless!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux


Important Stuff, My passion, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words


Hi There

This is a great word to start the year with! Because I believe we should find our Querencia in ourselves. Not find it in a place. You should be your most authentic self wherever you are no matter the place, situation or environment. I also believe that it is easier said than done.

I get the sense that we are afraid to be our authentic self or we do not ourselves. We are not authentic.

Let us strive to be Querencia in ourselves by ourselves!

Keep Moving! 



Jean-Marie’ Roux


#OneWord, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

I love words. I believe that words have power. I believe that we can change any and every thing with our words. Not immediately, but through our thoughts. The way we communicate our thoughts (through words) plays  a role in our actions. I believe it can be the start of being greater.

This month I will be Coruscate on the word Endurance. Not just physically, but also figuratively. I want to endure more admin and standing up for myself. Endure the last few months of the year.

Who is with me? Ready to endure with me? Let us work on our endurance this month.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Uncategorized


Hi There

My love of words!!!

The word I am sharing with you this month will be coruscate: To reflect brilliantly; to sparkle.

I believe that being human and evolving means to learn and experience new ideas and different ways of thinking with in your core beliefs. Like a tree stands solid, but branches out in different directions and keeps growing!!

By learning new words and incorporating it in our vocabulary expands our knowledge base and can be so much fun!! Especially when you can help others to expand their vocabulary as well!! Try and say coruscate as much as possible but it has to make sense when you use the word!!

Remember we are all made to coruscate !!

Keep Moving !!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

You are the Secret

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized


Hi There

We have been without power for a week. It has been one of the worst weeks of my life!! I can not believe how this one thing had so much “power” over me!! But I realized and learned so much about life and yet again myself!!

Anyway this had me thinking…. Sometimes we need to coruscate from within even if  everything around us is dark and we ourselves feel dark. We need to reflect brilliantly and shine our light, no matter our surroundings!! We are in control of what we reflect to the outside world! And it should always be colourful, bright and amazing!

Thank You

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis





Muscle Of The Week… Goal

Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do

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Hi There

I want to explain my reasoning with my Muscle Of The Week Series. My aim with the series is to increase specific knowledge of the muscles. Like their names, where they are and what their functions are. I am trying to make the series as easy to understand as possible. But I want to use the correct terminology.

This is important to me, because if one at least knows the area or function of the muscle we connect to our bodies. Remember our brain and body needs to “talk* to each other. Yes, they communicate, but they do not talk. This is how we build our body awareness and understand movement.

It is always the small things that make or break us. I understand that not everyone has knowledge of anatomy and physiology or even training in said subjects, but I believe that a bit of understanding goes a long way. I mean it is essentially learning about yourself and how you work.

It is a step in discovering who you are. I mean we are more than the some of our parts.

Please have a look at the series on my other blog and please let me know you if I am reaching my goal. Do you understand what I am saying? How can I make it easier? I would really appreciate some feedback.

Thank You

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


Professionalism in Movement/Sport

Important Stuff, Me, My Clients Inspire Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do

Hi There

I want to give my personal view on professionalism in Sport. This is an topic that really touches base with me. I mean I feel very affected by this.

What I do is a profession, it is a science. I have an university degree. I had to work very hard to get where I am. I also believe that because of my background I have a very unique understanding/relationship with movement. One that gives me an eye for analyzing and correcting movement. Something I thank God for.

In my field we do not have “normal” working/office hours. We are up and running sessions “before work” for our clients/athletes then the afternoon/after school sessions and lastly the “after work” sessions. This “usual unusual” timeline we follow can make a day very long. Yes, we do not follow the “normal” work hours, but we still work.

I personally do not just pitch and suck a session out of my thumb. Every session is planned and worked out, with room for unforeseeable circumstances… This takes time to do. I plan every session once a week and then refine it a day before and before the session it self. Sometimes the plan must change due to injuries or tournaments or even sickness and emotional events. I have to keep this all in mind while still delivering a good solid workout for clients and athletes alike. I also have admin to maintain to ensure I am pushing my clients/athletes enough or to know that we are moving in the right direction. This I do in the form of testing.Which in itself needs analyzing, extrapolating and reporting on the data and then adjusted accordingly. This takes Time. I have a whole plan and every movement has a specific reason and goal to achieve in the session.

I do have a bit more free time, but I ran a business and it takes admin to maintain and grow it. I do not just laze around until I have a session. I hate it that people assume because I do not conform to “office hours” I do not work as hard or as much as the “norm”! I do work and my time is also way more physical than the “norm”, I word hard!! I love what I do and I put my heart and soul in every session and I am sure it is the same for many others in this industry. This an actual profession.

Our uniforms are not very restrictive movement wise but in the looks department we do not come across as “serious”. I also think we need to compete with the fitness craze outfits that are being produced. I love it by the way, but I am working not working out. It is hard to draw the line sometimes. I need to look the part and move comfortably to demonstrate where needed but I also need to look presentable and respectable! Any one feel the same?

I think how we as professionals act plays a big role in how we are perceived as professionals in our profession. We need to be professional at all times, even if it requires more tact and personal contact than other professions. I believe that because I am working with a person, meaning that person’s body; I also take the person as more than the sum of his/her parts. I have a responsibility to uphold that person’s trust in me. He/She is trusting me with their body and that I will not hurt or cause any damage to them in any shape or form. That is huge!!!! It is something I am very aware of in my work! But I need to respect their boundaries and they need to understand reasoning behind everything. There needs to be consistent communication. I I also need to motivate and be enthusiastic even if I personally do not feel like it. There needs to be reporting on the progress and what has been done and a plan forward. We need to be punctual.This is on every coach, personal trainer, instructor etc.

I believe this is where we lack in the “professional” realm, we are not always taken seriously, because we do not look like “societal seriousness…” That is ok, but in our own way we need to strive for professionalism! So that we can be taken seriously and deliver quality service in our profession. Make difference in the people’s lives we work with!


Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis