What Are The Obstacles You Create For Yourself?

Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

In my other blog I talk about it and I wanted to share the obstacles I create. Follow the link to The Obstacles We Create  .

My biggest obstacle I create and face is me… My insecurities about me… How I am and how I look. I do not look like the average fitness fanatic. But I love movement.

I just believe we move different and have different movement goals and that Media lies to us about what healthy looks like.

I am also physically very short… I look extremely young for my age. This has been always been my obstacle. It is only recently that I turned it into my uniqueness. I am small, but that does not make we weak! I use it now as proof that it is not the package that makes the something great, but what is inside that matters… Dynamite comes in small packages…

This is the obstacle I created and battle to overcome so often… What is our? Leave it in the comment section below.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


The Opsticles we create (1)

#NeverStopMoving Happy New Year!!! #2019

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Happy 2019 !! I really feel good about 2019. Anyone else feel this way?

My #OneWord #2019 is #2019Aware!! I want to be more aware about what I learned in #2018Evolve. I am proud to say, yes… I did evolve. I realised who I am and I learned that I like myself and if I don’t… Guess what I can change it!! I have never felt more relaxed and confident about who I am.

This year I want to cement the cognitive change that has happened and not fall back on old habits. This year I am going to be aware and create awareness!!

What is your #OneWord2019?

God Bless!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

My Year #2018 In Review

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Words

Hi There

2018… What a year you have been.

First thing… I got married!!! I am now officially Mrs. Roux!! The wedding was amazing and everything that lead up to it.

Secondly, I had to learn to be compassionate toward MYSELF and OTHERS! I have learned that No. Is a full sentence and it is ok to say it when I want to. I also learned that I am important.

2018… You have worn me out! You were a long year… But the lessons you have taught I will carry with me forever!!

You have a choice. You decide how your surroundings influence you. You may not have control about it, but how you lived it is up to you!

2018… Thank You and Goodbye!!

God Bless!!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

I am doing the 100 Squats a day Challenge

#Challenges, Me, Uncategorized


Hi There

I am doing the 100 Squat a day Challenge for 30 Days!!

I never do these challenges, but I want to try. I am not going to be too strict. I am just going to do the 100 Squats a day. How or when I am not going to worry about.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Short and sweet. Ill post on my twitter feed @TwiggzzGreen my daily progress.

Let me know if you have done this or similar challenges? Have you finished them? Do they actually work?

Let me know!

Keep Moving

Jean- Marie’ du Plessis


#OneWord, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

I love words. I believe that words have power. I believe that we can change any and every thing with our words. Not immediately, but through our thoughts. The way we communicate our thoughts (through words) plays  a role in our actions. I believe it can be the start of being greater.

This month I will be Coruscate on the word Endurance. Not just physically, but also figuratively. I want to endure more admin and standing up for myself. Endure the last few months of the year.

Who is with me? Ready to endure with me? Let us work on our endurance this month.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Being Me

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

This is going to be a very honest and personal post. But hopefully someone will relate and gain something out of reading this.

My focus this year is to evolve #2018Evolve #OneWord #OneWord2018!! All my #’s!! It isn’t really the time to reflect yet, but the year is ending soon… So it happens automatically… This year has taught me so much. I have identified so many aspects of … ME!! I am quite a bag of contradictions and interesting nonsense…

I have also identified my biggest fear… And it baffles me. It was not a normal fear I expected, like being alone, more like ending up alone ( an actual fear of mine); but I was afraid of being me. Doing ME. Almost as if all my insecurities caused me to hide and try to be like others. I hope this makes sense, but it was like if I am me no one would like me or I would be to exposed. Like I am not good enough the way I am. I hid from myself and did not even realize it.

As I have been learning to know ME and doing ME, scary as hell… I like me. I like that I am different, that I have different opinions and look different. I am not afraid to be me anymore. I might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but I am me…That for me is enough!!

I want to encourage you to BE YOU, to DO YOU and most importantly FOR YOU!! Not only will YOU see and live and appreciate the change that occurs, but those close to you would too!!! That for me was the best, because they love me, so why can I not love me as well?

Do You maybe have any thoughts or stories of BEING YOU, DOING YOU, FOR YOU and how it has impacted you?

Thank You

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis



#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Uncategorized


Hi There

My love of words!!!

The word I am sharing with you this month will be coruscate: To reflect brilliantly; to sparkle.

I believe that being human and evolving means to learn and experience new ideas and different ways of thinking with in your core beliefs. Like a tree stands solid, but branches out in different directions and keeps growing!!

By learning new words and incorporating it in our vocabulary expands our knowledge base and can be so much fun!! Especially when you can help others to expand their vocabulary as well!! Try and say coruscate as much as possible but it has to make sense when you use the word!!

Remember we are all made to coruscate !!

Keep Moving !!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Don’t Let Failure Control YOU. Be DA BOSS

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized


Hi There

Failure is something that I build up to everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Like to things outside my control. I mean I would feel guilty because it rained when we wanted to go out… I mean it is ridiculous. And to be honest to admit it as I am writing makes me feel a bit shameful and silly. I am only human I can not control everything. Truth be told there is very little we as humans can control.

But assigning this unattainable control to myself was exhausting!! Because it is useless energy wasted! Any way I wanted to share that because failure is to stop; to give up and stop trying. We must redefine what failure means to us and how we carry it with us. Failure does not exist if you never stop. You never have to think about it. As soon as that nasty feeling or voice comes up. You remember you are not giving up, simply changing strategy. Don’t let a word govern how you see the world or worse yourself!! Be patient and never stop!!




Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


You are the Secret

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized


Hi There

We have been without power for a week. It has been one of the worst weeks of my life!! I can not believe how this one thing had so much “power” over me!! But I realized and learned so much about life and yet again myself!!

Anyway this had me thinking…. Sometimes we need to coruscate from within even if  everything around us is dark and we ourselves feel dark. We need to reflect brilliantly and shine our light, no matter our surroundings!! We are in control of what we reflect to the outside world! And it should always be colourful, bright and amazing!

Thank You

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis





Back To Basics

Me, My Clients Inspire Me, Thank You, Uncategorized


Hi There

It has been quite a while since I blogged. I want to inspire and share my story when I write. I love to pen my thoughts down. And… Yes I have a journal that I write in quite a lot. I find that if  I do not “journal” in a while I become “not centered”. It is like my mind is full of ideas,thoughts ect. but it is a mess. I get flustered and frustrated.

So I am coming back with new ideas. I would like to blog more and blog quality. I want to make a difference.

So with all my scattered thoughts, I thought that I would share some of them with you.

I have a big problem with how media influences the health industry. Especially when it comes to movement and exercise. To me it seems impossible to become what media says is “healthy”. I mean who has time to live at the gym? And guys most of it is fake and photoshopped anyway!

I truly believe that once you learn to move correctly you will want to move more. I have seen it in my clients and athletes. We are made to move!! More on this next time!!!

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis