What Are The Obstacles You Create For Yourself?

Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

In my other blog I talk about it and I wanted to share the obstacles I create. Follow the link to The Obstacles We Create  .

My biggest obstacle I create and face is me… My insecurities about me… How I am and how I look. I do not look like the average fitness fanatic. But I love movement.

I just believe we move different and have different movement goals and that Media lies to us about what healthy looks like.

I am also physically very short… I look extremely young for my age. This has been always been my obstacle. It is only recently that I turned it into my uniqueness. I am small, but that does not make we weak! I use it now as proof that it is not the package that makes the something great, but what is inside that matters… Dynamite comes in small packages…

This is the obstacle I created and battle to overcome so often… What is our? Leave it in the comment section below.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


The Opsticles we create (1)

The hated M word!

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Hi There

I want to talk about the M word.

The M word is so big and touches our lives in every single way. We live by it’s rules even tough “we” can not control it; can control our exposure to it. We feel judged by it, but we “allow ” it.

Personally I believe the M word and all it encompasses can be used for good and I’ll be honest I use it. I am using it now…. Know what the M word is yet? I mean in our modern world I think we will not be able to go without it. Or am I also being deceived by its allure?

I am merely just pointing out that it brings out more “bad” in us as “good”I am also referring to how it works on our self esteem and awareness. It makes us shallow and petty in my experience. Now don’t get me wrong. I am also woven in with the M word. I participate and sometimes get caught up in it just like everybody else!

My Question is if we are in control of it; why do we allow it so much power over us? Why do we cave to it’s demands?

Know what the M word is? Comment below with your thoughts and also if you agree with my assessment.

Thank You

Keep Moving !

Jean-MariƩ Roux


#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Amazing, Important Stuff, My passion, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

This month’s word is a beautiful one. I believe we all have this inherently. We all strive for freedom. It is one of the things that bring us together as Humans!

Our culture, surroundings and upbringing causes that our Eleutheromania is different. We all have this inherent picture of what freedom is. We know what it means, but it means different for all of us!

With freedom comes choices and with that comes responsibility. Freedom is not free, it cost something.

This month let us eleutheromania to get free from ourselves. Free from what is getting in our way and dragging us down! Even if it is our own preconceived ideas about ourselves!

Thank You

Keep Moving !!

Jean- Marie’ Roux


#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There!

This month’s word is Strikhedonia and I think it follows perfectly with last months word: Sophrosyne. Having a healthy state of minds means sometimes we must just: Let it go! Yes even Disney says so!! So it MUST be true!!

We can not be in control of everything. We can not say yes to everything!

So for this month lets say strikhedonia to the uncontrollable and continue on our journey to sophrosyne!!

I love words!! Just look how smart and almost mysterious it sounds!! Any way I think it is important to grow and expanding our vocabulary is part of growing, evolving into YOU !

Until next Time

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux


Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Words

Hi There

This month’s focus is about self awareness.In my own experience I have found that we are mostly look for happiness outside of ourselves. We look for it in other people, activities, hobbies, materials etc. Very rarely we look for it inside, deep inside ourselves!

I want to challenge you this month to look into yourself and start getting to know the true you!

This step was very hard for me, but I can TRULY say I am very happier since I have shifted my focus on myself and where I gain my self worth from. I love that it is a exciting never ending journey, never ending movement to a complete me, how I was made to be. HAPPY!

Let me know your thoughts on Sophrosyne. Being content and happy with oneself.

God Bless!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

The Power Of Speech

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Important Stuff, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

We have all heard :”The pen is mightier than the sword”. EVer wondered why? I mean what is so powerful about the written word? It is a form of speech. I mean speech has developed even more, we can now record actual speech and listen to it years after it has been spoken.

We should now probably say:” Speech (in all its forms) is mightier than the sword.” It still is a powerful statement. Why?

I think it keep us accountable to what we say, how our speech can affect those around us. Because we all KNOW it does affect us. It HAS POWER.

What you say to others says a lot about you. How you speak about yourself and others also says a lot about you.

By changing the way you talk you change the way you think. It changes how others perceive you. Do you see the POWER in just that? Think about it. Really think about it.

Every word you utter is a seed or water. If you plant weeds that is what you get.

The same happens when you talk to yourself. POWERFUL!

Remember the power you have and respect it. You it wisely.

“With great POWER come great responsibility”~ Spiderman

What is your take on this? Does speech have power?

Thank You

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


#NeverStopMoving Happy New Year!!! #2019

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Happy 2019 !! I really feel good about 2019. Anyone else feel this way?

My #OneWord #2019 is #2019Aware!! I want to be more aware about what I learned in #2018Evolve. I am proud to say, yes… I did evolve. I realised who I am and I learned that I like myself and if I don’t… Guess what I can change it!! I have never felt more relaxed and confident about who I am.

This year I want to cement the cognitive change that has happened and not fall back on old habits. This year I am going to be aware and create awareness!!

What is your #OneWord2019?

God Bless!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux


Important Stuff, My passion, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words


Hi There

This is a great word to start the year with! Because I believe we should find our Querencia in ourselves. Not find it in a place. You should be your most authentic self wherever you are no matter the place, situation or environment. I also believe that it is easier said than done.

I get the sense that we are afraid to be our authentic self or we do not ourselves. We are not authentic.

Let us strive to be Querencia in ourselves by ourselves!

Keep Moving! 



Jean-Marie’ Roux


#OneWord, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

I love words. I believe that words have power. I believe that we can change any and every thing with our words. Not immediately, but through our thoughts. The way we communicate our thoughts (through words) playsĀ  a role in our actions. I believe it can be the start of being greater.

This month I will be Coruscate on the word Endurance. Not just physically, but also figuratively. I want to endure more admin and standing up for myself. Endure the last few months of the year.

Who is with me? Ready to endure with me? Let us work on our endurance this month.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Being Me

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

This is going to be a very honest and personal post. But hopefully someone will relate and gain something out of reading this.

My focus this year is to evolve #2018Evolve #OneWord #OneWord2018!! All my #’s!! It isn’t really the time to reflect yet, but the year is ending soon… So it happens automatically… This year has taught me so much. I have identified so many aspects of … ME!! I am quite a bag of contradictions and interesting nonsense…

I have also identified my biggest fear… And it baffles me. It was not a normal fear I expected, like being alone, more like ending up alone ( an actual fear of mine); but I was afraid of being me. Doing ME. Almost as if all my insecurities caused me to hide and try to be like others. I hope this makes sense, but it was like if I am me no one would like me or I would be to exposed. Like I am not good enough the way I am. I hid from myself and did not even realize it.

As I have been learning to know ME and doing ME, scary as hell… I like me. I like that I am different, that I have different opinions and look different. I am not afraid to be me anymore. I might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but I am me…That for me is enough!!

I want to encourage you to BE YOU, to DO YOU and most importantly FOR YOU!! Not only will YOU see and live and appreciate the change that occurs, but those close to you would too!!! That for me was the best, because they love me, so why can I not love me as well?

Do You maybe have any thoughts or stories of BEING YOU, DOING YOU, FOR YOU and how it has impacted you?

Thank You

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis