Doing It For You

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Me, Thank You, Uncategorized

Hi There

I do not want to start sounding repetitive. But YOU need to be your first focus. Now if you are like me. You’ll probably cringe at hearing that and a picture of a narcissistic, entitled, spoiled etc. person creeps in to your mind. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!! Now, now. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Listen…

Putting yourself first is not ANYWHERE near being like the above mentioned. In fact the above mentioned want you to believe that so that you will be easy manipulated by them. Why? Because if you put yourself first you know your value. You add towards that value by putting work into yourself. Like any other project. The more aspects, more time, more experience and expertise. The more expensive and time consuming the project. This is why taking time to evolve and really building yourself up in all aspects of being human is SOOO important. Because it adds value to all the environments you are involved in.

That is what I am talking about. Taking care of you so that you can take care and supply guidance wherever you are! DOing it for YOU to add value wherever YOU find YOURSELF.

Not being narcissistic, spoiled, entitled etcetera. Just understanding that you have value and to maintain and add to it you need to do things for YOU. Sometimes put YOUR needs first.

You cannot pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

The hated M word!

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words
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Hi There

I want to talk about the M word.

The M word is so big and touches our lives in every single way. We live by it’s rules even tough “we” can not control it; can control our exposure to it. We feel judged by it, but we “allow ” it.

Personally I believe the M word and all it encompasses can be used for good and I’ll be honest I use it. I am using it now…. Know what the M word is yet? I mean in our modern world I think we will not be able to go without it. Or am I also being deceived by its allure?

I am merely just pointing out that it brings out more “bad” in us as “good”I am also referring to how it works on our self esteem and awareness. It makes us shallow and petty in my experience. Now don’t get me wrong. I am also woven in with the M word. I participate and sometimes get caught up in it just like everybody else!

My Question is if we are in control of it; why do we allow it so much power over us? Why do we cave to it’s demands?

Know what the M word is? Comment below with your thoughts and also if you agree with my assessment.

Thank You

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marié Roux

Health. What is it Really?

Important Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized

Hi There

I what you to talk about this because I believe there is a misunderstanding of what we believe Health is and means. I truly believe everyone has a different definition of what health is. The worst part is that media portrays health as this utopia state. Almost unattainable. Please read my blog about health by clicking here.

I just want us to think about differently than just eating salads and being in the gym for 2 hours.

Health is a way of being, it is a lifestyle! It is NOT some UNATTAINABLE way of life or a sad way to live. It is a balanced state of mind, body and soul!

It is something you aim for in every aspect of your life. It is a journey toward a better YOU!

Lets us all work toward a healthy life!! And become the BEST version of ourselves!!

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

I am doing the 100 Squats a day Challenge

#Challenges, Me, Uncategorized


Hi There

I am doing the 100 Squat a day Challenge for 30 Days!!

I never do these challenges, but I want to try. I am not going to be too strict. I am just going to do the 100 Squats a day. How or when I am not going to worry about.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress. Short and sweet. Ill post on my twitter feed @TwiggzzGreen my daily progress.

Let me know if you have done this or similar challenges? Have you finished them? Do they actually work?

Let me know!

Keep Moving

Jean- Marie’ du Plessis

Being Me

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do, Words


Hi There

This is going to be a very honest and personal post. But hopefully someone will relate and gain something out of reading this.

My focus this year is to evolve #2018Evolve #OneWord #OneWord2018!! All my #’s!! It isn’t really the time to reflect yet, but the year is ending soon… So it happens automatically… This year has taught me so much. I have identified so many aspects of … ME!! I am quite a bag of contradictions and interesting nonsense…

I have also identified my biggest fear… And it baffles me. It was not a normal fear I expected, like being alone, more like ending up alone ( an actual fear of mine); but I was afraid of being me. Doing ME. Almost as if all my insecurities caused me to hide and try to be like others. I hope this makes sense, but it was like if I am me no one would like me or I would be to exposed. Like I am not good enough the way I am. I hid from myself and did not even realize it.

As I have been learning to know ME and doing ME, scary as hell… I like me. I like that I am different, that I have different opinions and look different. I am not afraid to be me anymore. I might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but I am me…That for me is enough!!

I want to encourage you to BE YOU, to DO YOU and most importantly FOR YOU!! Not only will YOU see and live and appreciate the change that occurs, but those close to you would too!!! That for me was the best, because they love me, so why can I not love me as well?

Do You maybe have any thoughts or stories of BEING YOU, DOING YOU, FOR YOU and how it has impacted you?

Thank You

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


You are the Secret

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized


Hi There

We have been without power for a week. It has been one of the worst weeks of my life!! I can not believe how this one thing had so much “power” over me!! But I realized and learned so much about life and yet again myself!!

Anyway this had me thinking…. Sometimes we need to coruscate from within even if  everything around us is dark and we ourselves feel dark. We need to reflect brilliantly and shine our light, no matter our surroundings!! We are in control of what we reflect to the outside world! And it should always be colourful, bright and amazing!

Thank You

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis





Muscle Of The Week… Goal

Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do

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Hi There

I want to explain my reasoning with my Muscle Of The Week Series. My aim with the series is to increase specific knowledge of the muscles. Like their names, where they are and what their functions are. I am trying to make the series as easy to understand as possible. But I want to use the correct terminology.

This is important to me, because if one at least knows the area or function of the muscle we connect to our bodies. Remember our brain and body needs to “talk* to each other. Yes, they communicate, but they do not talk. This is how we build our body awareness and understand movement.

It is always the small things that make or break us. I understand that not everyone has knowledge of anatomy and physiology or even training in said subjects, but I believe that a bit of understanding goes a long way. I mean it is essentially learning about yourself and how you work.

It is a step in discovering who you are. I mean we are more than the some of our parts.

Please have a look at the series on my other blog and please let me know you if I am reaching my goal. Do you understand what I am saying? How can I make it easier? I would really appreciate some feedback.

Thank You

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


Knowing Who You Are Is Powerful

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, My Clients Inspire Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized


Hi There

Evolving has had its ups and downs, but it has also taught me so much! It is not even the middle of the year yet and I have learned so, so much! The scary thing is it will never end! Exciting scary not frightening scary.

This whole focus of #2018Evolve has been so necessary and it is happening at the best time possible! I had to confront myself in a way I never would have. I have discovered that my weaknesses can become my pointers/red flags and not cause failures. I understand where my insecurities are coming from and I can now identify when they can come and sabotage me.

I can now work on using my weaknesses to become a better me. I can accept who I am and honestly I have learned to love me… The way I am. I am not my worst enemy anymore, but my best ally.

Sometimes breaking down the walls we build to keep even ourselves out; is not the best way to move forward. When we know ourselves completely we can really be our authentic selves, where our true happiness lies.

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

My Responsibility Towards You…

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My Clients Inspire Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, What I Do

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Hi There

This blog is in response to Putting In The Effort on my other blog. There is a relationship between a trainer and client/athlete. A accountability relationship for your goals to be reached; to be successful.

I have a huge responsibility towards my athletes/clients. I mean they put their body in my hands. That is a type of trust they have in me. Some don’t even know this is what they are doing. But they trust that I will help them to reach their goals. They do not even KNOW ME, but from day one they have given me this trust.

Personally, it is HUGE. I take it very seriously. Because they have deem me good enough to have this trust. I literally after this point have the power to physically hurt them. Not that I want to or even try, but this is what happens when they sign up to work WITH me to reach their goals. This exchange is HUGE as I’ve said. To me this is so powerful and means I have a responsibility that is bigger than just “getting healthy, losing weight, enhance performance”. I have to protect the body and the whole which they have entrusted me with. This is why I call it a relationship. They trust me with their whole being to help them, I trust them to do as I say and as I educate them to move forward towards their own success.

I also want to encourage you to take care of your body and who you trust. Do research, ask around and make sure you can talk to your trainer and that he/she understands your needs and goals.

I hold this trust that my athletes/clients place in me very dear. I think about it as I prepare for ALL my sessions and EACH session.

With this I also want to say Thank ALL my athletes/clients that have blessed me with their trust in me and giving me the small honor to be apart of their Moving journey!

Thank You

“With great power comes great responsibility”- Ben Parker

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Challenge… Uhm… Accepted :/

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

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Hi There

So I am just going to jump into it… My Mentor challenged me to make myself a priority. We all have heard this before. Easy right? I mean we are kind of selfish beings and being entitled seems to be the norm in the younger generation… So I can do it…


Making myself a priority means that we do not over exceed what we as a human being and own weaknesses are capable. Let me throw you with another cliche. You can not pour from an empty cup.

For us to be able to help and take care of them; we need to take of us first. Not being entitled or selfish, but just look after ourselves fully so that we can care and help fully.

So as a challenge to myself I am staring today going to do one thing for myself every single day. Whether it is pick a flower. bubble bath or an expensive coffee (once in a while, otherwise I’ll be broke!) but something just for me.

Follow my progress on my social media

Twitter: TwiggzGreen

Instagram: TwiggzzGreen

Facebook group : #NeverStopMoving

Who is joining me #SometingForMeEverydayChanllenge ?

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis