Doing It For You

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Me, Thank You, Uncategorized

Hi There

I do not want to start sounding repetitive. But YOU need to be your first focus. Now if you are like me. You’ll probably cringe at hearing that and a picture of a narcissistic, entitled, spoiled etc. person creeps in to your mind. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!! Now, now. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Listen…

Putting yourself first is not ANYWHERE near being like the above mentioned. In fact the above mentioned want you to believe that so that you will be easy manipulated by them. Why? Because if you put yourself first you know your value. You add towards that value by putting work into yourself. Like any other project. The more aspects, more time, more experience and expertise. The more expensive and time consuming the project. This is why taking time to evolve and really building yourself up in all aspects of being human is SOOO important. Because it adds value to all the environments you are involved in.

That is what I am talking about. Taking care of you so that you can take care and supply guidance wherever you are! DOing it for YOU to add value wherever YOU find YOURSELF.

Not being narcissistic, spoiled, entitled etcetera. Just understanding that you have value and to maintain and add to it you need to do things for YOU. Sometimes put YOUR needs first.

You cannot pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

The hated M word!

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words
Photo by Pixabay on

Hi There

I want to talk about the M word.

The M word is so big and touches our lives in every single way. We live by it’s rules even tough “we” can not control it; can control our exposure to it. We feel judged by it, but we “allow ” it.

Personally I believe the M word and all it encompasses can be used for good and I’ll be honest I use it. I am using it now…. Know what the M word is yet? I mean in our modern world I think we will not be able to go without it. Or am I also being deceived by its allure?

I am merely just pointing out that it brings out more “bad” in us as “good”I am also referring to how it works on our self esteem and awareness. It makes us shallow and petty in my experience. Now don’t get me wrong. I am also woven in with the M word. I participate and sometimes get caught up in it just like everybody else!

My Question is if we are in control of it; why do we allow it so much power over us? Why do we cave to it’s demands?

Know what the M word is? Comment below with your thoughts and also if you agree with my assessment.

Thank You

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marié Roux

Self-care… Being Selfless

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

Hi There

I want to share something very personal. The reason I am sharing this is because it was brought to my attention that the change that I went through was so profound that people in my life noticed. Some wanted to know what happened. I also hope that I can help someone who was like me. I can help someone reach the piece of themselves where they can see they have worth.

In the famous words of Julie Andrews : “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…”

I did not like myself. I did not think I have any value.There was nothing of worth in my being. I was worthless. I was only as good as the works I can do for others, especially if I loved them. I was trying to be this version of me that was just unattainable. I ALWAYS fell short. It was EXHAUSTING!! I was tired ALL THE TIME. I was never TRULY happy or even content. I did not know who and what I am.

I was a good person, I did everything for everyone. I went out of my way for everyone. I rarely said no and I tried to make everything better for everyone… ALL THE TIME!!! Do yu think there was anyone doing this for me? NOOOOOOOO!!! If I asked for something it was usually taken with annoyance. Like I have no needs… How can I want something?

Being tired drains the life out you… I was tired of being tired. This is when I decided to start taking care of myself. The concept was hard for me to grasp. To me it meant I should be conceited, self absorbed, arrogant… O I can go on… But It Is NOT!!!!

Self-care means to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others!!! To have the energy to be a great wife! To laugh more and be a light to everyone around you. It is to exercise and take care of your body, mind and soul to be the best version of YOU to then reach and teach the people around you to do the same and be happy!! It really is that simple. By embracing self-care you automatically become a person people want to be around and the amount of QUALITY you bring to their environment can change their lives!!

Taking care of yourself is the most SELFLESS thing you can do for the people around you!! You have more to give and YOU enjoy it!!! Everyone WINS with SELF-CARE.

I urge you to start taking care of yourself and see how better you make the life around you. If not for you then do it for your kids, your husband, your family and friends!!

Keep Moving !!

Keep Taking Care Of YOU

#NeverStopMoving #NeverStopBeingAware #2019Aware

Jean-Marie’ Roux

Is This All That I Am… All I can Be?

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

Hi There

Today has been tough. I am angry at myself. I can not understand why I just can’t do what I want to. Why is it that something so simple seems and is physically HARD for me to do? Am I bad?? Am I THAT bad?? No one else seems to struggle like me… Am I that WEAK???

Through my journey of learning I’ve learnt to forgive myself to be compassionate to MYSELF. I am just human… And even if I have high expectations of myself, I also need to know myself. By knowing or better said being aware of my inner being. Who I Am, the WHOLE me. I can change and become the ME I want to.

I am still hard on myself, BUT I WILL NOT BE WEAK… There is more to me and I CAN and WILL be SUCCESSFUL!! Where I fall short like today I will be compassionate but NOT complacent. I will get out of this and forgive myself to carry on and be the ME PI want to be.

It is time to stop being my worst enemy, harshest judge and become my best ally and cheerleader.

Am I the only one who feels like this?

Please let me know

Keep Moving!


Jean-Marie’ Roux

A Letter Of Forgiveness

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth

I forgive you for…

Hi There

I have been given the opportunity to write a letter or letters of forgiveness. Letters that will never be sent and will only ever be seen by me. Why? You ask? What is the Reason or what is the goal?

This was done for me… Forgiveness is never for the person who needs it . It is to free us from the hold that person has on us, fairly or not. This experience and yes it was an experience! Taught me how I still held some resentment towards them. How it affected my life in a bad way! They still had a bit of control over me!

I started slow… Wanted to make it a good letter… Thanking them. telling them I loved them and appreciated what they did for me… Then I got stuck… How can I now say by the way I forgive you for A,B,C….X,Y,Z…. Yeah… That did not fly…

So I started with I forgive you for….

And O My WORD…. Did it ALL pour out!!! I went in detail and for the first time I could articulate my feelings with no disruptions. When I was done I was surprised at what I said, how some things affected me to this day! After writing the letters I could also rationalize the situation. Have better perceptions of why this happened, I could sympathize more and be more compassionate towards them that hurt me. They did not always hurt me out of spite but to be honest out of ignorance.

For the first time I could listen to these people and really HEAR what they are saying, by being more compassionate and not just trying to respond. I had no residual “blocks” or defense mechanisms towards them. I was free from the old holds!

I highly encourage you to try it!! Not for them but for you because you deserve to be free!! In every capacity.

Let me know if you ever did this and what was your experience?

Thank You

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux

The Power Of Speech

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Important Stuff, Serious Stuff, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

We have all heard :”The pen is mightier than the sword”. EVer wondered why? I mean what is so powerful about the written word? It is a form of speech. I mean speech has developed even more, we can now record actual speech and listen to it years after it has been spoken.

We should now probably say:” Speech (in all its forms) is mightier than the sword.” It still is a powerful statement. Why?

I think it keep us accountable to what we say, how our speech can affect those around us. Because we all KNOW it does affect us. It HAS POWER.

What you say to others says a lot about you. How you speak about yourself and others also says a lot about you.

By changing the way you talk you change the way you think. It changes how others perceive you. Do you see the POWER in just that? Think about it. Really think about it.

Every word you utter is a seed or water. If you plant weeds that is what you get.

The same happens when you talk to yourself. POWERFUL!

Remember the power you have and respect it. You it wisely.

“With great POWER come great responsibility”~ Spiderman

What is your take on this? Does speech have power?

Thank You

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ Roux


More Than The Sum Of Your Parts

#MentorSessions, Amazing, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Words

Hi There

This is something I read in my Anatomy Text book First year of University. Aaaand…. Yes, out of everything I have forgotten and go back and read up on, I have never forgotten that phrase. I can not believe I now do it for fun not because I HAVE to!! LOL

But Back to what I want to share.

Take it in. We are amazing beings!!! We are more than just a physical being, we are intelektual, creative, spiritual and so much more. There are aspects of our whole being that we give more attention to or are more attuned to, but we are still more than what we project or focus on.

I have lived this. I would always tell people I am not creative, but I actually am I just never tried to be or focussed on being creative. I have blocked that aspect of myself. The thing is we are all uniquely intelektual,creative, spiritual etc.

We just forget to really “grow” ourselves in all aspects of our being. We seem to be stuck on Physical change and Growth. But if we remember we are more than just a body, we can grow in other ways that also lead to a purpose fulled life.

I am also a firm believer that when we feed our WHOLE self it pours over into every ASPECT of our being and life!

What do you thin? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Until Next Time

Keep Moving!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

#NeverStopMoving Happy New Year!!! #2019

#MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Uncategorized, Words

Hi There

I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Happy 2019 !! I really feel good about 2019. Anyone else feel this way?

My #OneWord #2019 is #2019Aware!! I want to be more aware about what I learned in #2018Evolve. I am proud to say, yes… I did evolve. I realised who I am and I learned that I like myself and if I don’t… Guess what I can change it!! I have never felt more relaxed and confident about who I am.

This year I want to cement the cognitive change that has happened and not fall back on old habits. This year I am going to be aware and create awareness!!

What is your #OneWord2019?

God Bless!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

My Year #2018 In Review

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, #OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, Thank You, Thruth, Words

Hi There

2018… What a year you have been.

First thing… I got married!!! I am now officially Mrs. Roux!! The wedding was amazing and everything that lead up to it.

Secondly, I had to learn to be compassionate toward MYSELF and OTHERS! I have learned that No. Is a full sentence and it is ok to say it when I want to. I also learned that I am important.

2018… You have worn me out! You were a long year… But the lessons you have taught I will carry with me forever!!

You have a choice. You decide how your surroundings influence you. You may not have control about it, but how you lived it is up to you!

2018… Thank You and Goodbye!!

God Bless!!

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux