Doing It For You

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Me, Thank You, Uncategorized

Hi There

I do not want to start sounding repetitive. But YOU need to be your first focus. Now if you are like me. You’ll probably cringe at hearing that and a picture of a narcissistic, entitled, spoiled etc. person creeps in to your mind. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!! Now, now. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Listen…

Putting yourself first is not ANYWHERE near being like the above mentioned. In fact the above mentioned want you to believe that so that you will be easy manipulated by them. Why? Because if you put yourself first you know your value. You add towards that value by putting work into yourself. Like any other project. The more aspects, more time, more experience and expertise. The more expensive and time consuming the project. This is why taking time to evolve and really building yourself up in all aspects of being human is SOOO important. Because it adds value to all the environments you are involved in.

That is what I am talking about. Taking care of you so that you can take care and supply guidance wherever you are! DOing it for YOU to add value wherever YOU find YOURSELF.

Not being narcissistic, spoiled, entitled etcetera. Just understanding that you have value and to maintain and add to it you need to do things for YOU. Sometimes put YOUR needs first.

You cannot pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

Stuck in Limbo

#OneWord, Important Stuff, Me, My passion, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

Hi There

I feel stuck in limbo. As my focus is on the word evolve and evolving takes time. It does not just happen, there is a process.

My process is slow! Usually I tell my athletes/clients to focus on the process not the results. But now I can see that both can be frustrating. But we can control (and I use the term loosely, because we never have fully control) the process more than the result. In fact the result would most likely be what was done in the process. Because the process is slow, it feels as if nothing is happening, which simply is not true. We can not feel we are growing we just see our shoes don’t fit anymore.

I am realizing that feeling stuck in limbo can actually be a good thing. It makes the journey through the process more “interesting”.  Because even though it “feels” like being stuck it is not reality. Sometimes how we feel influences how we perceive our situation, but it does not change the reality. Feeling stuck has made me slow down more, focus on more small, intricate parts of my daily living. Things I would normally miss. I am learning to enjoy the moments I have while slowly evolving and going through the tough process.

#NeverStopMoving is more than just physically, it encapsulates our whole being. I have said it once and I’ll probably would keep saying it. We are more than the sum of your parts! This mean we should take care of ALL that we are. Easier said than done, but doable!

Keep Moving (in your entirety)!

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis




Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

Isn’t it weird that in our complicated lives we find happiness, joy and fulfillment in the simpler things in life? Why are we constantly complicating thing? It is almost like we are trying to create importance by complicating it. Where it is not level of complicateness that makes whatever important. It is the value you put on something that gives it importance, not adding or layering it.

I think it is time to simplify our lives and simply enjoy what is important this festive season. Let us just be and enjoy the simple things in life.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

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Scattered thoughts… Movement being ugly 

Important Stuff, My passion, Uncategorized, What I Do

Movement moving ugly…
Movement can sometimes be ugly. These days I am thinking a lot of the bad side of movement. What happens when movement stops? What if a movement is wrong? What if a movement creates pain? What if a movement goes into a wrong direction? What happens when we are moving the wrong way? When do we stop moving? Or do we just stop moving that certain why.
Movement is fluid it incorporates every aspect of our being. The way we move through emotions… Being happy to sad to angry… Emotions are movement at the core. They change in a matter of minutes. Emotions are brainwaves moving from state to state. They release hormones that move through us to feel how we feel.
Movement also has to do with how we think. We can open up our minds about the world around us. Being able to do this is what makes us different than all the other species on this planet. We move with conscious thought. How we move is a conscious decision. We can change our mind. The way we think… Maybe when a movement is wrong. Maybe it is not a physical thing we should change but our mind.
Our choices has consequences.  Ever action has an equal and opposite reaction. We know this. It is a scientific fact. We are so focused on the physical part of our being that we neglect the invisible component. To the part that makes us unique. We are all the same. We function the same. We all have lungs, we all have kidneys, our blood is red. But there is this element of movement that we live out…that’s you… some call it the soul…but it is you. It is what makes you different from all the rest. Makes your body different. I think it is time that we focus on that component of our being. Change our path, change our minds.
Movement should never stop just change. Whether that is the pace of movement or direction. We have the ability to change. That is what makes us amazing beings… We don’t have to stop or stay where we are. We just need to change how we think and feel. Easier said that done. It amazes me that the invisible seems to be harder to change than the physical.
Change that invisible component… that is where our strength lies.

Keep Moving

Jean-Marié du Plessis

People Don’t Change Individuals Do

My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

We live in a world where “trends” are a constant. Not the trends themselves, but how “things” trend.

Trends are movement that are sometimes funny, cool and serious. But they stay trends, they almost never stick.

#NeverStopMoving is a movement. I hope it is a movement that will stick. It is about the full picture of getting healthy. Changing how we think about getting healthy and incorporating movement into our entire being.

Movement is fluid, permeable,dynamic, interchangeable.Movement is also very personal. Although we all move, how we move is unique to us, why we move is unique to our goal.

For a movement to occur something needs to change or start. Otherwise nothing will change and nothing will happen.

Back to my main point. People don’t change; individuals do. For change to happen we need to start at ourselves. Charity begins at home. Change does not just happen, it is a process. We need to start with ourself, if we all do that a change will happen in our society. Good Trends will then stick and become a movement with a life and direction of it’s own.


Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Look to Yourself