Doing It For You

#Challenges, #MentorSessions, Me, Thank You, Uncategorized

Hi There

I do not want to start sounding repetitive. But YOU need to be your first focus. Now if you are like me. You’ll probably cringe at hearing that and a picture of a narcissistic, entitled, spoiled etc. person creeps in to your mind. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!! Now, now. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Listen…

Putting yourself first is not ANYWHERE near being like the above mentioned. In fact the above mentioned want you to believe that so that you will be easy manipulated by them. Why? Because if you put yourself first you know your value. You add towards that value by putting work into yourself. Like any other project. The more aspects, more time, more experience and expertise. The more expensive and time consuming the project. This is why taking time to evolve and really building yourself up in all aspects of being human is SOOO important. Because it adds value to all the environments you are involved in.

That is what I am talking about. Taking care of you so that you can take care and supply guidance wherever you are! DOing it for YOU to add value wherever YOU find YOURSELF.

Not being narcissistic, spoiled, entitled etcetera. Just understanding that you have value and to maintain and add to it you need to do things for YOU. Sometimes put YOUR needs first.

You cannot pour from a empty cup.

Keep Moving!!

Jean-Marie’ Roux

It Is The Small Things In Life

#MentorSessions, Important Stuff, Me, Serious Stuff, Thruth, Uncategorized

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Hi There

Long time… Well to be honest it has not been going to well. After unpacking my box and rediscovering my weakness AND identified some new ones. I have realised I am quite good at ignoring the problem. I would literally DO ANYTHING else as to confront…ME. I am terrified to be honest with myself. It is scary to admit to certain weakness and confront myself.

This made me think about how critical I am about myself. If I was one of my clients or even friends, I would not judge them so critical and harshly. Why do I then do it to myself? Am I the only one that does this?

I always say that it is the small things in life that makes the difference. I am now realizing it goes both ways. It is the small things that can hurt us so deeply. It is the small things we can not control that can send us down a spiral. The best we can do is to do our best on the positive small things and try to tip the scale towards the positive side.

Maybe being a bit more lenient towards ourselves and start small, working on the scary truth little by little and become the best you, you can be.

Keep Moving !

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis


People Don’t Change Individuals Do

My passion, Serious Stuff, Uncategorized

Hi There

We live in a world where “trends” are a constant. Not the trends themselves, but how “things” trend.

Trends are movement that are sometimes funny, cool and serious. But they stay trends, they almost never stick.

#NeverStopMoving is a movement. I hope it is a movement that will stick. It is about the full picture of getting healthy. Changing how we think about getting healthy and incorporating movement into our entire being.

Movement is fluid, permeable,dynamic, interchangeable.Movement is also very personal. Although we all move, how we move is unique to us, why we move is unique to our goal.

For a movement to occur something needs to change or start. Otherwise nothing will change and nothing will happen.

Back to my main point. People don’t change; individuals do. For change to happen we need to start at ourselves. Charity begins at home. Change does not just happen, it is a process. We need to start with ourself, if we all do that a change will happen in our society. Good Trends will then stick and become a movement with a life and direction of it’s own.


Keep Moving

Jean-Marie’ du Plessis

Look to Yourself